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Integrating with MailChimp
Integrating with MailChimp

Instructions for connecting your Art Galleria account with MailChimp.

Updated over a week ago

This integration allows you to sync your contacts automatically to and from MailChimp.

Before you start:

  • It it highly recommended that you read this entire article, as performing the sync without the correct information may lead to contact duplication.

  • Any Art Galleria groups/interests syncing to Mailchimp are created with an "AG" prefix .

  • If you want to merge existing Art Galleria groups/interests with existing tags in MailChimp, we highly recommend manually converting any Mailchimp tags to groups/interests in Art Galleria, prior to setting up the integration.

With this webservice you can sync from Art Galleria to MailChimp:

  • All Art Galleria Contacts

  • Specific contact Groups created in Art Galleria, as Mailchimp tags

  • Contacts tagged with specific Interests in Art Galleria, as Mailchimp tags

You can also sync from MailChimp back to Art Galleria:

  • Mailchimp contacts (from your selected audience)

  • Tags (these will be imported & created as groups or interests)

This article will explain the following:

Watch our video demonstration, or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.

Set up the webservice in Art Galleria

1. Navigate to Websites > Webservices, and then click New Webservice.

2. Fill in the following information to start the set up:

  • Webservice Type - Select Mailchimp

  • API Key - Enter the MailChimp API key (In Mailchimp - Navigate to Profile > Extras > API Key > Create a Key )

  • Secret & Shared Secret - Leave blank

  • Admin email - (Optional: If you want notifications for this service sent to a user other than the primary account user, otherwise leave blank).

  • Enable Scheduled Sync - Select this checkbox if you want the service to run automatically in the background. Alternatively, you can leave this option unchecked and run the sync manually only when required.


When first setting up the integration, we highly recommend not ticking "Enable Scheduled Sync" until you have created the service, and configured your import/export settings first.

3. Click Create Webservice to start the initial set up.

4. Edit the newly created webservice to continue configuring the settings, including:

  • Import contacts from Mailchimp - Select this checkbox if you want to import contacts from Mailchimp into Art Galleria.

  • Import tags from Mailchimp - Select to not import, import as Groups, or import as Interests.

  • Export tags to Mailchimp - Select not to export, to export Groups as tags, to Export Interests as tags, or to export both as tags.

  • Sync all contacts tagged - This will sync all your AG contacts that are associated with one or more interests to MailChimp.

  • Sync all contacts - All Art Galleria contacts will be synced to Mailchimp, regardless of their associated groups or interests.

4. Select any specific contact groups you want to sync to Mailchimp (Ignore this if you selected "Sync all contacts to MailChimp" in the previous step).

5. Finally, click Update Web Service when you are happy with your changes:

Success! You have successfully created your Art Galleria x Mailchimp integration.

Manually run the sync service

If you wish to run the sync webservice manually, please select Sync from the more options (...) menu, as shown below:

Note: Ensure you have the following setting un-ticked:

The sync will finish when the browser window loading icon has disappeared, and this notification has appeared:

Sync from Mailchimp to Art Galleria

If you want to sync your Mailchimp contacts/tags to Art Galleria, follow the steps below.

1. After following steps 1-3, and setting up the webservice, click Edit:

If you're syncing contacts from Mailchimp that already exist in Art Galleria, check that the email addresses on both contacts match case (the sync is case sensitive for email addresses).

If they don't match, and you run the sync, a duplicate contact will be created in Art Galleria.

2. In the Webservice settings, tick Import Contacts from MailChimp:

3. (Optional) If you want to sync Mailchimp tags to Art Galleria, choose to either sync them as Groups or Interests, depending on your preference:

4. If you want the service to auto-run, enable the scheduled sync in the settings:

Or you can manually run the service from the Webservices screen after clicking Update Webservice:

5. Click Update Webservice at the bottom of the page.

Sync from Art Galleria to Mailchimp

If you simply want to sync your Art Galleria contacts to MailChimp, then follow the steps below.

1. After following steps 1-3, and setting up the webservice, click Edit:

2. In the Webservice settings, you have three different options on how to sync your contacts:

  • Sync all contacts - This will sync all contacts on your account, regardless of group or interest attached.

  • Sync specific contact groups - Select from your specific contact groups to sync.

  • Sync all contacts tagged with one or more interests - Tick this box if you want to sync any contact with one or more interest attached.

Syncing Groups as tags

To sync your Art Galleria groups as Mailchimp tags, select Export Groups as Tags from the dropdown:

Then click Update Webservice.

Syncing Interests as tags

To sync your Art Galleria interests as Mailchimp tags, select Export Interests as Tags from the dropdown:

Then click Update Webservice.

Syncing Groups & Interests as tags

To sync your Art Galleria groups and interests as Mailchimp tags, select Export Interests and Groups as Tags from the dropdown:

Then click Update Webservice.


Q: Is the sync case sensitive? Do my MailChimp tags & my Art Galleria groups or interests have to have the exact same capitalization?

A: The sync is not case sensitive for contact names, groups, and interests, however, it is for email addresses. If your matching contacts' email address isn't the same capitalization, then a duplicate contact will be made in Art Galleria.

Q: How do I merge Art Galleria groups/interests with existing Mailchimp tags?

A: If you have existing tags in MailChimp, and equivalent groups/interests in Art Galleria, and want to merge both, you must migrate all data into Art Galleria first, before starting the sync, as Art Galleria synced groups/interests will not merge with existing tags in MailChimp, and will be created with an "AG" prefix in front of the tag.

Q: If I deselect any of the sync options in the web service settings, will my contacts be deleted on either platform?

A: No, your contacts are quite safe. Whatever settings you choose, the webservice will never delete a contact in either MailChimp or Art Galleria.

Q: What if I delete a contact in Art Galleria, will it also be deleted in my Mailchimp, and vice versa?

A: Deleting a contact in one platform will not delete it in another. The sync only picks up and exports new contacts, and never removes existing contacts at any point.

Q: What contact data does the sync export/import?

A: The sync transfers the following data:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email address

Q: What happens if I update a contact's email address?

A: You must update the contact's email address in Art Galleria, and never in Mailchimp. If you update the email address in MailChimp, a duplicate contact will be created in Art Galleria, with the new email address.

If you update the email address of a synced contact in Art Galleria, the same contact in Mailchimp will be archived, and a new one created (with the new email address). This is a MailChimp requirement, as contact email addresses cannot be updated via the API.

Q: What if I unsubscribe a Mailchimp contact, will that data sync to Art Galleria?

A: Doing so will update the mc_unsubscribed field in AG. This field is not visible/updatable via the UI in Art Galleria. If you want this field to be visible, please contact us.

Q: What happens if I change a synced group/interest name in Art Galleria, will it also change on Mailchimp?

A: Unfortunately, no. Any group or interest that has its' name changed after it has synced to Mailchimp, will not be altered.

Additional Information

  • In order to sync tags from Mailchimp, or groups/interests from Art Galleria, at least one contact must be associated with that tag/group/interest.

  • If syncing contacts to Mailchimp, any interest or group added/removed for a contact will be replicated to the Mailchimp contact.

  • If a contact is deleted in Mailchimp, the same contact will not be deleted in Art Galleria.

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