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Uploading artworks individually
Uploading artworks individually

Add artworks one-by-one, using bulk upload, or your entire collection at once.

Updated over a week ago

If you're just getting started using Art Galleria, we recommend you set up your Artist Profiles and Locations before you add your inventory. This will allow you to assign the artworks you upload to the appropriate artist.

There are different ways to upload your artworks to your Art Galleria inventory. This article covers how to add artworks one at a time. See our other resources on how to upload multiple artworks at once using the Bulk Image Upload feature, or import artworks using a CSV.

Watch our video demonstration of adding artworks individually, or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.

Upload artworks individually

1. Open the Inventory section.

2. Click Add Artwork in the right-hand corner.

3. Complete as many fields in the Edit Artwork window as required.

4. To add images of the artwork or any documents related to it, scroll to the bottom of the Basic Info tab and click either Add images or Add documents, and then navigate to the file on your computer.

5. Once you have selected all the images and documents you want to upload, use either the Start button next to each item, or click Start upload all to upload all the files.

6. When you are finished, click Update Artwork to save your listing. 

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