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Adding private images to artworks
Adding private images to artworks

Include images on artworks that will not be displayed in a public view.

Updated over a week ago

If you use the Art Galleria portfolio feature, website integration or Private Rooms, you will be sharing a selection of your artworks with specific individuals or the public. However, you may want to have images of an artwork that, although saved to the artwork record, are not visible to others.

Private images

Any images you add to Artwork Documents are kept private, and will not be visible when you share the artwork via Private Rooms, portfolios, or website integrations. To upload artwork documents to your artworks, follow the instructions in Adding additional documents to an artwork.

Publicly visible images (when shared)

Any images that are added to Artwork Images will be visible when that artwork is included in a portfolio, website integration or Private Room. To upload Artwork Images to your artworks, follow the instructions in Adding additional images to an artwork.

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