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Migrating your inventory from another platform
Migrating your inventory from another platform

Find out how to move your existing inventory with another platform, over to Art Galleria.

Updated over 8 months ago

We have successfully helped many clients migrate from other systems over the years, and it is usually a smooth process. Typically, there are three steps involved.

This article covers the following:

1. Exporting your data from your current system

If you already use another inventory management system, you can likely export your account data via CSV format (or request this from the provider). This works very well for artworks, artists and contacts.

Some common art management platforms that allow for CSV export of user data:

  • Artwork Archive

  • Artlogic

  • ArtBinder

  • Gyst

  • ArtBase

  • ArtMoi

  • ArtCloud

  • Arternal

If you're not sure, please contact us and we can provide more information.

2. Importing a CSV into Art Galleria

Once you have a CSV file, you can easily import it into your Art Galleria account.


We provide a CSV template, and our platform has a field mapping tool, so you can ensure you match your existing account data to the correct fields in Art Galleria. When you import your CSV into your Art Galleria account you can choose which columns of spreadsheet data to match the Art Galleria fields.

For more information please see Uploading artworks using a CSV.

Artist Profiles

Just like artworks, artist data can also be bulk uploaded into Art Galleria. We provide a CSV template for use, which allows you to easily add your data, upload the CSV, and manually map the fields.


Just like artworks & artist profiles, contact data can also be bulk uploaded into Art Galleria. We provide a CSV template for use, which allows you to easily add your contact data, upload the CSV, and manually map the fields.

3. Importing artwork images

There are a couple of different ways you can upload artwork images.

If you have images of your artworks available via publicly accessible URLS in your current inventory management system, or in Dropbox or a similar system, you can use the image_files column in our CSV template (or create one in your own CSV export) to provide a link to the images so that they can be uploaded to the artwork records when you upload the CSV file.

If you have images in a local folder, you can bulk upload them and match them to your artworks via a corresponding artwork inventory ID, or Artwork Title.

We are also able to assist with both exporting your images and uploading them to Art Galleria. Please contact us for more information.


Q: What is the cost for an assisted migration?

A: Generally, we offer complimentary assistance with data migrations if it involves a straightforward export. However, if your data set is extensive and requires significant time for extraction and processing, we will assess the scope of work and provide you with a detailed quote before proceeding.

Q: Can you import from FileMaker?

A: Yes, we have extensive experience with FileMaker and are well-equipped to handle migrations involving that platform.

Q: Can you upload my documents?

A: Yes, while there isn't a bulk function to upload and attach artwork / artist documents, we can achieve this during the migration process.

Q: Can I send you my files over dropbox?

A: Yes, we can accept files through dropbox.

Q: How long does a standard migration take to complete?

A: If it is a simple inventory CSV & image import, we can typically complete this migration within 1-3 business days, at a high level estimate.

Q: How long does an advanced migration take to complete?

A: If the data import is complicated and we have given you a quote for the migration service, we can typically complete the migration within 1-2 weeks, at a high level estimate.

Q: I'm on the trial period for 2 weeks, can you migrate my data from another platform to use during this period?

A: Typically, we do not offer complimentary migration services during trial periods, as there is no guarantee of continued engagement and it may result in a significant allocation of resources. However, we understand that each situation is unique. Please feel free to reach out to us, as exceptions can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Q: I have Saved sets or collections that I want to retain, is this possible?

A: Yes, any portfolio or collection of specific artworks can likely be retained and uploaded into the platform.

Q: I have x type of data, can you upload this?

A: We are equipped to upload and retain your information effectively. If you have any specialized requirements, we can explore customization options to better suit your needs.

Need help?

If you're stuck or unsure how to proceed, please contact us and we can assist with importing your data.

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