When you have an extensive inventory, it can be helpful to filter them and view only specific segments of your inventory.
Watch our video demonstration, or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.
1. Open Inventory and click Filters.
2. Here you can choose a number of filters to apply to your inventory view:
Artist - Filter artworks by a chosen artist.
Collection - Filter artworks by a chosen collection.
Categories - Filter artworks by category.
Location - Filter artworks by a location that you have created.
Exhibition - Filter artworks by a chosen Exhibition you have created.
Status - Filter artworks by a chosen status e.g. Sold.
In this tutorial we will filter by the artist 'Christian', click Apply when done.
3. Your filter has now been applied and only artworks by 'Christian' will be displayed.
4. To remove a filter, click Reset All.
5. Your Inventory view has now been reset.