Configuring Label Sheet Layouts

Working with and setting up custom label sheet layouts for printing labels.

Updated over a week ago

Label sheets come in many configurations. Art Galleria provides you with a set of the most commonly used sheet layouts, you can modify these, and even add your own.

Configuring Label Sheet Layouts allows you to specify how many labels should appear on one sheet (for example, on a Letter or A4 paper). It is also possible to specify the label dimensions, sheet margins and spacing in between the labels. These settings will automatically determine how many rows and columns there are when printing the labels. This is different than the Label Designer, which allows you to specify which artwork information will appear on the individual labels, and how the text will look.

This article covers:

Please note, for contacts labels, unlike artwork labels, it is only possible to print one contact one per page. These are intended to be used with label printers. See further instructions in the Printing Labels section below.

Setting up the layout

1. Open Art Galleria and click Settings.

2. Scroll down and click Label Sheet Layouts on the left menu.

3. Here you can see the name and the sheet size of the layouts, the buttons below let you:

  • Edit - change the dimensions of the label and add sheet margins, spacing

  • Duplicate - copy a sheet layout to modify

  • Remove - remove a sheet layout

4. Click Edit to configure how the labels are arranged on the sheet. For example, label width and sheet gutter will influence how many labels columns will appear on the sheet.

To see how the Label sheet Attributes and Label Attributes affect the layout, please check the diagram below:

5. Once you have changed the dimensions for the sheet and labels, enter a name for your layout and click Update Label Layout.

6. Click Label Designer and define the height of a Grid unit in pixels.

Printing labels using your custom sheet layout

1. Open your inventory and select all the artworks you want to print labels for, then click the Bulk actions menu and select Print Labels.

2. Select the custom layout you created from the drop-down menu. You can choose to print the label with borders or crop marks by enabling the tick boxes.

3. Click Print.

4. You can now click Save and download your labels as PDF and print them.

Printing labels for contacts

For contacts labels, unlike artwork labels, it is only possible to print one contact one per page.

As a workaround, you can export a group of contacts in Contacts > Groups > More Options (...) > Export to CSV. You can then import the CSV to the label program of your choice.

Troubleshooting formatting issues

You can enable the Test Mode feature when printing which shows bounding boxes on the label itself and its elements when previewing the PDF.

To do this:

1. Open Settings and click Label Designer.

2. Select a Preset and click the Enable Test Mode checkbox, then click Save.

3. Now when you repeat the steps in the Printing section above you will see bounding boxes appear.

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