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Submitting artworks through the Artist Portals
Submitting artworks through the Artist Portals

Information for artists on how to submit artworks to a gallery using an Artist Portal.

Updated over a week ago

You can submit artworks directly to a gallery through their Artist Portal. The gallery can then review your submission and, once approved, your artworks will be transferred to the gallery's inventory.

Check your email for an invitation

1. The gallery will send you an invitation to submit artworks, including a portal link that looks like this:

Register on the portal

2. Register by entering your email address and clicking Continue.

3. Fill in your contact information for the gallery to be able to contact you:

4. Click + Artist to add your artist profile.

5. Enter your name, biography, and any other information requested by the gallery, then click Save.

Submit your artworks

6. Click + Artworks to submit artworks to the gallery for review.

7. Enter the artwork information. (Depending on the information the gallery requests, the fields included may be slightly different.)

8. To upload artwork images, click the Choose files button under Artwork Images.

9. Navigate to the file on your computer and upload.

10. Click Save to save the artwork and file.

11. The Submit button will appear below the artwork image thumbnail. Click Submit to send this to the gallery. You can return and click Withdraw to remove this submission.


I clicked the link in the email I received and it says "Your access link has expired. Please enter your email below to continue."

Please check that you have clicked the link in the most recent email for the Artist Portal. This message appears when a more recent link has been generated.
To generate a new access link, input your email address into the Artist Portal login screen and click Continue. You will then get a green success message at the top of the page that a new access code has been emailed to you.

In your email inbox there might be a few access codes in the same email thread, please only click the most recent email by looking at the timestamp of when it was sent:

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