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Using Artist Portals to receive submissions from artists
Using Artist Portals to receive submissions from artists

How to set up and use artist portals, for Gallery and Art Fair users

Updated over a week ago

Artist Portals is a feature which allows your artists and collaborators to upload and submit artworks directly to your gallery. You can review, accept and reject artwork submissions with full workflow support. Accepted artworks are transferred from the submission queue to your Artwork Inventory.

For an article you can share with artists to explain the process, please see Submitting artworks through the Artist Portals.

This article covers:

Watch our video demonstration, or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.

Step 1: Create an Artist Portal

1. Navigate to Settings > Artist Portals and click +New Portal Configuration.

2. Fill in the Portal Name field and click Save.

Configure the Portal Sections

3. Go back to the Artist Portals tab and select Edit Sections.

4. Click Edit on any of the sections to setup the fields for Contact Details, Artist Profiles, Artworks, etc.

5. In Edit Sections, you will have the option to:

  • Select the data fields for each section

  • Identify which fields should be limited or made mandatory

  • Add labels and hints

6. Click Save Settings when complete.

Step 2: Configure the Settings and Fees

Enabling Custom Terms and Conditions

You can enhance legal compliance by setting up custom terms and conditions for each portal. Gallery plan users can easily draft and integrate tailored terms directly into the art submission process, ensuring that artists review and agree to them before submitting their work. This streamlined approach not only secures informed consent but also adapts to various international legal standards.

1. Choose the portal you'd like to enable the custom terms and conditions on, and select Settings & Fees.

2. Scroll down to Enable Terms, and click the button to enable the setting.

3. Enter the Terms Text by inputting a custom "I agree to the following terms and conditions" style message, which will appear next to the checkbox at the bottom of the Your Contact Details sign-up form.

Agreeing to the terms is a mandatory requirement, and submitters will not be able to proceed without ticking the box.

4. In Terms URL, enter the URL of the location of your terms and conditions. This can link to a PDF document, or a specific website hosted somewhere on your website.

Submitters who have not accepted the terms & conditions, show up like this in your Artist Portal page.

Submitters who have have accepted the terms & conditions, show up like this in your Artist Portal page.

Setting up Custom Email Templates

You can set your email preferences under Settings > Artist Portals > Settings & Fees > Email Settings. This includes:​

  • Adding a custom email Subject and Message to your automated email correspondence.

  • Disabling email notifications when artworks are accepted or rejected.

Setting up fees

You can implement mandatory fees for art submissions. This functionality is designed to facilitate the management of entry fees directly through the portal, ensuring a streamlined process for both the organizer and the submitters.


For fees to work - you must set up online payments with Stripe in Settings > Payment Services. Click here for an article on how to do this.

Fees must be set up, prior to any submissions. Fees cannot be applied to artworks that have already been submitted or accepted.

1. Navigate to Settings > Artist Portals, and click Settings & Fees.

2. Under Edit Artist Portal, click Fees, then click the Fees Required button to turn on custom fees.

Fees Description - Input the message you'd like your submitters to see when they are about to pay the required submission fee.

Fees exempt for - Input the email address of any submitter who is exempt from paying fees.

Support email(s) - Input the email address of the gallery staff who will receive the portal email correspondence (when artworks are submitted, etc).

3. After adding your description, scroll down to Fees Type and select your desired type. Art Galleria currently offers three different fee types, catered to different operating procedures.

Types of Fees

Fixed Per Artwork

This option charges a consistent amount for each artwork, simplifying payments and providing clear pricing. It suits events with uniform entry criteria, offering predictable revenue for organizers and straightforward costs for artists.

Variable Per Artwork

This option adjusts based on the artwork’s size, medium, or whatever metric you'd like. Suitable for diverse exhibitions, it allows flexible pricing that aligns submission costs with showcasing needs, enhancing fairness and accessibility. This is a custom request, so get in contact if you'd like to set up this fee type.

Fixed Submission Fee

A single fee that covers multiple artworks, ideal for submitting collections or portfolios. This encourages comprehensive presentations without increasing costs, appealing to artists wanting to showcase extensive work. Artwork limits can also be set, as well as a specific submission deadline.

Step 3: Request submissions

Once the Portal is created, you need to send the portal link out to your represented artists.

You can request a modified URL for simplicity, for example: Please contact us for assistance.

Artists can register by using their email address and clicking Continue.

MyPortal screenshot

Artists can fill in their contact information, as shown below.

Artists can then create their Artist Profiles, then upload and submit Artworks directly to your gallery.

Artists fill in the artwork details fields on the left, and select and upload the image on the right.

Artists get one final chance to review their submission (image, details, contact info, etc) before finally selecting Submit.

Step 4: Review artwork submissions

Gallery staff can review the artwork submissions received via the portal in Inventory > Portals.

  1. Go to Inventory > Portals.

  2. Click on the [view] link next to the submitter's name to view contact details.

  3. Click on the artwork title to review the submission.

  4. To Approve or Reject the artwork submission, please click on the 3 Dots (...) on each artwork and select the appropriate option.

Please note: Artworks sitting in the submission queue cannot have additional images added via Edit Artwork. They must be accepted into your inventory first.

Once a specific artwork has been approved, it will be moved to your Artwork Inventory. Rejecting artwork brings up a message window, which must be filled in. An email will then be sent to the artist, that includes your message.

Sign in as user

Another feature available to gallery staff is the Sign in as user function. This allows staff to see the Portal submission screen as though they were the artist. This allows for a greater amount of control, and gives gallery staff a preview mode, in a sense.


Q:How do I invite artists to a Portal?

A: Simply send them the link that is located in Settings > Artist Portals.

Q: Can multiple people work on a submission, or is it limited to 1 person per submission?

A: Absolutely! Multiple people or collaborators can create different Artist profiles in the portal. They simply need to have access to the email address attached to the submission.

Q: One of my artists signed up but closed their browser before submitting their art, can you get back in?

A: Yes They can! All they need to do it go back to the portal link, and re-enter their email address. A verification link will then be sent to their address, which they can click to log back into the portal.

Q: What if an artist wants to add extra images to their submission?

A: Once an artwork has been submitted, no extra images can be added to it. If you do need to do this for whatever reason, the artist can withdraw their submission, add the extra images, and resubmit. If submission fees are setup, simply add the artists' email address to the Fees Exempt field in your portal settings, and ensure that no additional artworks are submitted upon the agreed upon amount.

Q: Do my artists need to create an account and password to sign up through the portal?

A: Artists simply need a verifiable email address to access the portal, no passwords required!

Q: Can I edit the URL of the Artist Portal within Art Galleria?

A: Yes, navigate to Settings & Fees > General > Slug, and click Rename Slug. Input your custom slug name, separating words with either _ or -

(Note - Portal URLs / slugs can take a up to a few hours to update).

Q: Can I still create legacy portals?

A: Legacy portals (previous version of the current Artist Portal feature) are now discontinued. You cannot create legacy Portals, however existing ones can still be used.

Q: How many portals can I have set up at once?

A: This depends on your plan type:

  • Gallery Starter: 1 active portal / 1 active Submitter

  • Gallery Pro: 10 active active portals / 10 active submitters

  • Gallery Unlimited: Unlimited portals/ Unlimited submitters

Q: If I delete a portal that had artworks in it transferred into my Artwork Inventory, will the artworks also be removed from my inventory?

A: No - Once a submitted artwork has been approved, it will be transferred to your Artwork Inventory, and be treated like any of your other artworks.

Q: How are submission fees handled?

A: Submission fees are processed securely through Stripe, a leading online payment processor. Stripe provides a robust framework for handling transactions, ensuring that all financial data is encrypted and securely managed.

Q: Can I charge per artwork, or am I limited to a fixed fee for all submissions?

A: We provide 3 different ways to charge submission fees. Fixed per artwork, variable per artwork, or fixed per submission. Each grant a different level of control and customizability suited to your needs

Q: What different settings can I configure?

A: As the portal admin, you are able to alter many different settings, including:

  • Portal name

  • All fields in the signup & submission process

  • Select different branding themes to apply to the portal

  • Activate or disable the portal

  • Change the welcome text that artists will see during the submission process.

  • Enable or disable custom terms & conditions

  • Change portal button size

  • Enable or disable portal submission accept & reject email notifications

  • Add a custom email subject & message

  • Include or exclude a QR code in accepted artwork label PDF

  • Enabling or disabling custom fees and fee exemptions

  • Enable or disable the option to edit the artwork details before approving the submission and moving it your your inventory

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