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Creating an Exhibition
Creating an Exhibition

An overview of the Exhibition features in Art Galleria.

Updated over 9 months ago

In Art Galleria, you can help you to internally manage your upcoming Exhibitions by showing the dates and artworks linked with them.

You can view Exhibitions in Art Galleria in a list or on a calendar. See Select how to view your Exhibitions for more information.

This article covers how to:

Watch our video demonstration, or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.

Create an Exhibition

1. Open the Exhibitions tab and click New Exhibition.

2. Fill out the details for the Exhibition and click Save Exhibition.

Add artworks to an Exhibition

1. Navigate to the Manage artworks area.

  • If you are in the list view, open the more options (...) menu next to the Exhibition, and select Manage Artworks.

  • If you are in calendar view, click on the exhibition, select the Artworks tab, then click Manage Artworks.

2. Click the arrow icon on the artworks to move them into the Artworks in this exhibition column.

3. Click Save when finished.

NOTE: Adding artworks to an exhibition will also add the associated artists to the exhibition details.

Create a PDF catalogue of the Exhibition

1. Open the more options (...) menu next to the Exhibition and select Create Catalog.

2. Choose the settings you would like for the catalog PDF.

  • Choose how to order the artworks

  • Add or remove artwork fields

  • Choose the number of artworks per page

  • Select if to include the page numbers

3. Click Generate Catalog PDF and your catalog will download to your device.

Generate a Floor Sheet

1. Open the more options (...) menu next to the Exhibition and select Create Floor Sheet.

2. Choose the settings you would like for the Floor Sheet PDF:

  • Choose the collection you want

  • Add or remove artwork fields

  • Select the currency

3. Click Generate Report when done.

4. It will now appear in your browser for you to view.

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